
Xenia elongata (Pulsing Xenia)

Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $15.00.

Care LevelLow
Reef CompatibleYes
LightingLow to High
WaterflowLow to Strong
Water Conditions25-26.5°C, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.024-1.026
Colour Form: Depending on light, pink/white/pale blue
SupplementsCalcium, Magnesium, Strontium, Iodine, Trace Elements
OriginAquacultured – Culture Creations
SKU: 00001-1 Categories: , , Tag:


The Pumping Xenia Coral, are also known as Pulse Coral, Pom Pom or Waving Hand Corals. They are colonial animals with multiple individual polyps attached by a fleshy trunk to a piece of solid substrate. They form stalks as they grow, and to reproduce. The eight-tentacled polyps can pump, or pulse, and many scientists believe the pumping action of the polyps slowly opening and closing is designed to dispose of gasses and waste. However, it is still unknown why these coral do pulse, and there are many water, lighting and nutrient factors involved. It is not necessarily a sign of ill health if they do cease to pulse. The parent colony of these coral frags was acquired from one of the aquariums in our company and then quarantined and given a health inspection before being propagated.

Aquacultured Xenia are hardier than wild-caught species and tend to reproduce quickly. Therefore, provide adequate space between them and sessile animals, especially other types of soft corals. They require a low to moderate light level combined with a medium to strong water movement within the aquarium. For continued good health, they will require the addition of iodine and other trace elements to the water.

They contain the symbiotic algae zooxanthellae from which they receive the majority of their nutritional requirements. Additional weekly feedings of micro-plankton or foods designed for filter feeding invertebrates are also recommended.

These polyps are attached to a square aragonite plug and can be easily placed in holes or between the rockwork of the reef aquarium.

Approximate Purchase Size: 1″ – 2″